Four days to go. The closing celebration is coming up this Friday, March 12th, from 4-6pm. I never cease to be amazed at the turnout! Today, five people showed up right at 11:30. Two had seen my postcard announcement at Happy Knits on Hawthorne, one sent roots in and came with a friend. Almost everyone who came brought their own yarns today, which is unusual, and they all donated their leftovers to the project.
There was some discussion about what will happen to The Mother Tree after this installation. I don't have anything lined up right away, but there was some interesting talk about burning her as well as having a ritual or performance around the tree. The performance piece inspired me, and if you come to the closing celebration, you'll see why...
I am truly inspired by your work with Mother Tree. I came in yesterday with 2 of my friends and within minutes quickly became a converted crocheter (I don't least I didn't until yesterday!). It felt right, good & fun to be a part of your project. I look forward to seeing where it goes from here. ~Ann G