Look how much fun our little community has! Today when I got there two people were waiting for me, and the last person left with me. There wasn't even room for me to tie on many crocheted roots!
I forgot to write about a touching note I received yesterday from a young woman in Australia. There was a facebook post right around the time I installed The Mother Tree called "If Breast Feeding Offends You Put a Blanket Over Your Head". I sent info to them about my project and the young woman wrote and asked if she could still contribute some crocheted roots. Here is the sweet note which accompanied her package: " These roots were crocheted whilst watching TV, waiting for the computer to load, eating and breast feeding. I send these to you with love and appreciation for The Mother Tree. It is a beautiful sculpture and I am proud to be a part of it. My roots are made of bamboo, soy and cotton, and the purple ones are dyed using grapes from my backyard." Yours, Heather S., 21 year old single mom
I am humbled by the wonderful threads this sculpture is weaving. The two women waiting for me when I arrived drove all the way from Eugene and Corvallis to participate today. There is another story but I will save that for another entry.
The final excitement of this day was contacting a TV reporter by e-mail and having her respond right away. She loves the project and is going to try and get a crew there to film tomorrow for a highlight in the 7pm news hour. We must have sent 10 e-mails back and forth. As she said in her last e-mail, fingers crossed!
I just saw your project on KGW's Live at 7, Congratulations on such a success!